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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

We live in a world in which basic values such as kindness and compassion are not often given the importance they are due In the media, selfish and arrogant behavior patterns are often glorified. Besides this, it is not uncommon for people to get so caught up in day-to-day responsibilities and personal insecurities that they lose sight of their goals for personal development. Recovering your sense of integrity, or goodness, begins with identifying your personal values.


1 Identify what it is that being a good person means to you personally.
Who do you look up to? What qualities do you admire in them? Now, in what ways could you better embody those qualities you admire? Think of how to apply those qualities in your work, creative pursuits, personal relationships, diet and lifestyle.

2 Accept everyone around you as your brothers and your sisters.

3 Don't criticize anyone because of their gender, age, race, sexual orientation,or culture. Instead, seek to understand and appreciate differences.

4 Stop comparing others with yourself.

5 Celebrate others' victories and good qualities, even when you do not feel as blessed as they do. Many cultures and religions have heroes, martyrs, and fables that may help individuals to find meaning and cultivate good character.

6 Love yourself. Practice unconditional self-acceptance.

7 Pray and meditate to help cultivate the qualities you seek to embody.

8 Cultivate both compassion and good karma through volunteer service.

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